"You never know how strong you are.... until being strong is the only choice you have left."
Dear Diary,
It's so much later than I should be blogging. I shouldn't even be on the computer this late. I got off the phone with Jim about 2 hours ago and I've been trying to go to sleep ever since but I can't. It's impossible.
Today was my mom's 1st official day at her new job as an assistant principal at an elementary school. I'm so incredibly proud of her for following her dreams and reaching them. While it's hard with her not being around 24/7, I know she's enjoying herself. And I guess that's all that really matters.
Today I woke up thinking about Jim so I texted him. He had just woken up too. "You play world of warcraft.... TOO!" I'm sorry. Random, but you'd have to be me or my brother to understand it. ANYWAYS.... I texted Jim and watched shark week on the discovery channel. It was interesting for awhile but my brother ended up changing the channel to "Miss Spider's Sunnypatch Friends" His explanation for why on earth he would watch that show was "It's bada**." Leave it to Daniel. Haha. I then went to my room and talked to my friend "Dolly" for awhile and then made a youtube video. It's on an account called "TeenzVideo" and the title of it is "Jeanna threw a hissy fit? - 'I want my purple walls!' parody". Just in case you want to check it out. ;) I'm honestly surprised at how many views it has gotten. It was so fun to portray Danny Noriega. I'm going to remake the video and make it an actual PARODY rather than a COPY.
After I made the video, I went to talk to my brother who was sitting on the couch watching TV, and my dad (home from lunch) handed me a card. I never get actual mail from anyone other than like churches I've visited so it was a nice surprise. I had gotten a card from my Aunt Peggy. It was so thoughtful of her to write me and it completely brightened my day. the card reads on the front: "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. - Richard Bach" and inside it says "Change is always difficult, but I want you to know that I believe in your bright tomorrows. I believe in you." and her message was "I know you're suffering through the heartbreak of great loss, and I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Love, Aunt Peggy OX OX". So if you ask me, I have the most incredible family in the world. My aunts and uncles are always supporting me as well as my cousins and siblings and parents and grandparents, etc. I'm so blessed. I was just so happy to get the card today. My Aunt Peggy is a pretty awesome person. She lost a very important member of her family on Friday - her schnauzer puppy "Trouble". I think it's a very admirable quality to think of other people when your world is crashing down. Like she did for me. When she is grieving the loss of her dog, she still took time out to send me a card. I just love that.
My Aunt Bevie also sent me some mail the other day. Have I mentioned I love Demi Lovato? Haha. She sent me an article that was in the paper about Demi that I found very interesting and a coupon for Ulta (my fave make-up store).
I pretty much spent the rest of the day in my room talking to Dolly and watching youtube videos and stuff. Tomorrow I'm gonna clean my room some more and hopefully by the weekend it will be spotless. I'm taking it day by day and tomorrow I have a TON of laundry to do as well as going through boxes and cleaning off the dresser and nightstand and my desk. I also have to dust and vacuum and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
So tomorrow, please save my life and call me while I'm cleaning my room. Haha.
Jim and I texted pretty much all day. I texted Spaniel for part of the day. Then at like 9:30 Jim goes "I'll probably go to bed in a few minutes." and we got off the phone at 11:45. Haha. We talked about Need for Speed (the video game) and cars and stuff. He asked me what my dream car was and honeslty... I had no idea. I mean I LOVE the volkswagen beetles but I mean how dorky is that? Doesn't like every teen girl drive a "slug bug"? Idk. I'm so out of the car talk. The only friend I have that has a vehicle of any kind (that I know what it's called) is my friend Spencer and she drives a truck. And my friend Jayme who drives a blue car that I don't know the name of. So... I'm lost. Haha. He also told me about some guy inventing a test in 10,000 B.C. with the colors blue, orange, green, and gold. It tells you what color you are based on your personality. It sounded pretty cool. We pretty much talked about random stuff and then when we were off the phone, I tried going to sleep. Now 2 and a half hours later, I'm on the computer blogging about it.
So... I guess I'll go to bed.
Btw, today was a good day. OMG! My 1st good day since forever ago! I can't believe it was a week ago that I said "goodbye" to the J's. WOW. I can't believe it. I had a good day today.
There. I said it. Are you happy now, Molly? I've officially proven myself NOT emo! :) ILY!